DTS Package
(too old to reply)
2009-12-22 16:59:02 UTC
I am trying to run a sql statement as part of a DTS package. I've tried
variations of the following:

Update tblPlayers
Set tblPlayers.IsNoMail ='-1'
From tblPlayers inner join NCOABad on tblplayers.acct =NCOABad.acct

Basically, I have imported an excel sheet of bad addresses into the database
in the first steps of the package, and now I want to update another table to
mark these accounts as "no mail".

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Todd C
2009-12-22 17:53:01 UTC
Try executing the command by itself inside SQL Server Management Studio.

What is the data type of field [IsNoMail] ? If Boolean (bit) then 0 = False
and 1 = True. (Yeah, I know, not pure boolean logic, but hey, it's Microsoft
and THEY decide).

If it's integer, try removing the single quotes:
Set tblPlayers.IsNoMail = -1

Hope this help. If so, please post a quick response because I don't think
I'm getting notification from the site when someone responds. I need someone
to respond to a post/reply for me. Thanks.
Todd C
MCTS SQL Server 2005
Post by Watson78
I am trying to run a sql statement as part of a DTS package. I've tried
Update tblPlayers
Set tblPlayers.IsNoMail ='-1'
From tblPlayers inner join NCOABad on tblplayers.acct =NCOABad.acct
Basically, I have imported an excel sheet of bad addresses into the database
in the first steps of the package, and now I want to update another table to
mark these accounts as "no mail".
Any help is greatly appreciated.