Theobald Xtract IS DeltaQ
(too old to reply)
Johan Machielse
2010-02-19 14:11:02 UTC

During a project I gained a lot of knowledge of using the Theobald Xtract IS
DeltaQ component, which I like to share with you all.
I have written five blog entries on my blog that give a detailed explanation
of using the Theobald Xtract IS DeltaQ component
in an SSIS project. I hope this will help you all when working with this

Blog: http://johanmachielse.spaces.live.com/blog/

If you have any questions or comments, then please feel free to ask them.


Johan Machielse
Todd C
2010-02-23 02:35:01 UTC
Johan: You are answering a question that was never asked. Please wait for a
post that you can answer directly and respectfully refrain from fishing for
business in these forums.
Post by Johan Machielse
During a project I gained a lot of knowledge of using the Theobald Xtract IS
DeltaQ component, which I like to share with you all.
I have written five blog entries on my blog that give a detailed explanation
of using the Theobald Xtract IS DeltaQ component
in an SSIS project. I hope this will help you all when working with this
Blog: http://johanmachielse.spaces.live.com/blog/
If you have any questions or comments, then please feel free to ask them.
Johan Machielse