DTS job hangs forever, DTSRun.exe - Application Error
(too old to reply)
2009-12-21 14:01:01 UTC
I have sql server 2000 installed om windows 2000 server. All service-packs
are installed. I have many DTS-jobs running, and they have been running for

One new DTS-job hangs. I write a log message after each task to a log table
of my application. From the log I see that the last task of the batch job is
executed, but the batch job does not close itself. On the next schedule, 24
hours later, the job does not start because it is already running (i.e.
hanging from the day before).

The job actually does what it should do during the first 10 minutes, then it
hangs undefinitely. In the event viewer I see this message:

Application popup: DTSRun.exe - Application Error : The instruction at
"0x77fcd79a" referenced memory at "0xffffffff". The memory could not be
"read". Click on OK to terminate the program

The event viewer message is timestamped and can be compared with my log
file. The event viewer message seem to appear as the batch-job finish
recalculation of an olap cube. I have many of olap-cubes that are
recalculated in various batch-jobs. There is only one that cause this
problem. This cube is fairly small compared to the others and it is hard to
see why it should cause this problem.

When I right-click and select "execute" on the olap cube symbol in the
DTS-designer it runs without any error. No message is given in the event

How can I repair?

Regards from

Charles Wang [MSFT]
2009-12-22 05:53:40 UTC
Hi Tore,
From the error message, it is an memory access violation issue. I recommend
that you first run Performance Monitor on your Server to monitor if there
is any memory pressure on your server when you run the DTS-job. If so,
consider to optimize your DTS job to reduce workload each time or increase

If there is no memory pressure, to track the root cause of such kind of
issue, it is recommended that you contact Microsoft Customer Support
Services for dump analysis. Please be advised that contacting phone support
will be a charged call.

To obtain the phone numbers for specific technology request please take a
look at the web site listed below.

If you are outside the US please see http://support.microsoft.com for
regional support phone numbers.

You may want to know of our MSDN Managed Newsgroup Support Services here:

Appreciate your understanding on this.

Best regards,
Charles Wang
Todd C
2009-12-22 13:49:01 UTC
I'm sure Charles knows what he's talking about, but there might be an easier
technique: "Swap-nostics"
Try one or all of the following:
*Remove the offending step(s) from the package and place them in their own
package. Where does the error happen now, if at all?
*Delete the task(s) completely. Save the package, and re-build the pieces
gradually, testing execution as you go.

Todd C
MCTS SQL Server 2005
Post by Tore
I have sql server 2000 installed om windows 2000 server. All service-packs
are installed. I have many DTS-jobs running, and they have been running for
One new DTS-job hangs. I write a log message after each task to a log table
of my application. From the log I see that the last task of the batch job is
executed, but the batch job does not close itself. On the next schedule, 24
hours later, the job does not start because it is already running (i.e.
hanging from the day before).
The job actually does what it should do during the first 10 minutes, then it
Application popup: DTSRun.exe - Application Error : The instruction at
"0x77fcd79a" referenced memory at "0xffffffff". The memory could not be
"read". Click on OK to terminate the program
The event viewer message is timestamped and can be compared with my log
file. The event viewer message seem to appear as the batch-job finish
recalculation of an olap cube. I have many of olap-cubes that are
recalculated in various batch-jobs. There is only one that cause this
problem. This cube is fairly small compared to the others and it is hard to
see why it should cause this problem.
When I right-click and select "execute" on the olap cube symbol in the
DTS-designer it runs without any error. No message is given in the event
How can I repair?
Regards from
2014-10-07 09:17:31 UTC
Post by Tore
I have sql server 2000 installed om windows 2000 server. All service-packs
are installed. I have many DTS-jobs running, and they have been running for
One new DTS-job hangs. I write a log message after each task to a log table
of my application. From the log I see that the last task of the batch job is
executed, but the batch job does not close itself. On the next schedule, 24
hours later, the job does not start because it is already running (i.e.
hanging from the day before).
The job actually does what it should do during the first 10 minutes, then it
Application popup: DTSRun.exe - Application Error : The instruction at
"0x77fcd79a" referenced memory at "0xffffffff". The memory could not be
"read". Click on OK to terminate the program
The event viewer message is timestamped and can be compared with my log
file. The event viewer message seem to appear as the batch-job finish
recalculation of an olap cube. I have many of olap-cubes that are
recalculated in various batch-jobs. There is only one that cause this
problem. This cube is fairly small compared to the others and it is hard to
see why it should cause this problem.
When I right-click and select "execute" on the olap cube symbol in the
DTS-designer it runs without any error. No message is given in the event
How can I repair?
Regards from
Might be problem with your hard drive have you tried it on a differant computer?