Ah, OK. Think I got it now.
(since your op title reference 2005, I'll assume you will be using SSIS. If
not, this won't be much help, just so you know.)
You could possibly trim your table down to two DateTime fields, which would
make this a little easier to manage:
CREATE TABLE dbo.PackageControl (
Create 2 package variables of Date datatype (it is actually DateTime data
type, even though it is labeled as "Date")
Create an Execute SQL task that reads the dbo.PackageControl table,
selecting the appropriate record for the current date. Have the task's Result
Set go to the two variables as appropriate.
Use a Precedence Constraint from your Execute SQL task to the Data Flow task
based on your two user variables and a system varialbe ContainerStartTime.
Set up SQL Agent to execute the job once per hour. The logic as to whether
the data flow will run or not will be contained in the package.
Good Luck. Keep us posted.
Todd C
MCTS SQL Server 2005
Post by n***@nospam.comThe purpose of this DTS is to extract data from mysql into sqlserver, then
do some manipulation and email the result, every hour based on the start and
end time.
date_column, start_time, end_time
12/9/2009,10am, 10pm
12/10/2009,9am, 10pm
Based on above sample, say tomorrow (12/8) the dts will run starting at 8am,
every hour until 11pm.
Hope this is clear.
Post by Todd CYou'll need to be more specific. You want SSIS to read this table and make
some sort of logical Go/No Go decision based on the Date and times?
Help us understand what is going on.
Todd C
Post by n***@nospam.comdate_column
and would like the dts job to look up the above table and run it based on
the date, start and end time. Is this possible. Pls advise.