Data Flow Task - Converting DT_NTEXT To DT_STR
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2007-07-13 01:31:52 UTC
Hi Guys,

I'm currently using SSIS to copy data from a source table, change some
of the datatypes and pump it into a destination table.

The problem I'm facing is with conversion of an NTEXT field to a
VARCHAR field in the destination.

What I'm doing right now is:

Step 1: Extract From Source (OLE DB Source). The data comes in as
Step 2: Data conversion from DT_NTEXT to DT_TEXT
Step 3: Data Conversion from DT_TEXT to DT_STR
Step 4: Pump into destination VARCHAR column (OLE DB Destinations)

The above works, but i dont think its the neatest way to do it.

I was wondering if anyone could help me combine step 2 and step 3 into
a single step.. or if there is a better way that I'm supposed to use
to convert ntext to varchar.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Lloyd
Allan Mitchell
2007-07-13 06:46:23 UTC
Hello ***@gmail.com,

The way you are going is the way to do it using the Derived Column Transform.
The page


Shows us that DT_NTEXT to DT_STR is an illegal cast so we have to go through
the step of DT_TEXT

So in a Derived Column transform I might do this for a column named "Val"
that is DT_NTEXT

(DT_STR,20,1252) (DT_TEXT, 1252) [Val]


Allan Mitchell
http://wiki.sqlis.com | http://www.sqlis.com | http://www.sqldts.com |
Post by l***@gmail.com
Hi Guys,
I'm currently using SSIS to copy data from a source table, change some
of the datatypes and pump it into a destination table.
The problem I'm facing is with conversion of an NTEXT field to a
VARCHAR field in the destination.
Step 1: Extract From Source (OLE DB Source). The data comes in as
Step 2: Data conversion from DT_NTEXT to DT_TEXT
Step 3: Data Conversion from DT_TEXT to DT_STR
Step 4: Pump into destination VARCHAR column (OLE DB Destinations)
The above works, but i dont think its the neatest way to do it.
I was wondering if anyone could help me combine step 2 and step 3 into
a single step.. or if there is a better way that I'm supposed to use
to convert ntext to varchar.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Cheers, Lloyd
2007-07-13 07:50:47 UTC
Hi Allan,

Thanks for much for the help. :)

Cheers, Lloyd
Post by Allan Mitchell
The way you are going is the way to do it using the Derived Column Transform.
The page
Shows us that DT_NTEXT to DT_STR is an illegal cast so we have to go through
the step of DT_TEXT
So in a Derived Column transform I might do this for a column named "Val"
that is DT_NTEXT
(DT_STR,20,1252) (DT_TEXT, 1252) [Val]
Allan Mitchellhttp://wiki.sqlis.com|http://www.sqlis.com|http://www.sqldts.com|http://www.konesans.com
Post by l***@gmail.com
Hi Guys,
I'm currently using SSIS to copy data from a source table, change some
of the datatypes and pump it into a destination table.
The problem I'm facing is with conversion of an NTEXT field to a
VARCHAR field in the destination.
Step 1: Extract From Source (OLE DB Source). The data comes in as
Step 2: Data conversion from DT_NTEXT to DT_TEXT
Step 3: Data Conversion from DT_TEXT to DT_STR
Step 4: Pump into destination VARCHAR column (OLE DB Destinations)
The above works, but i dont think its the neatest way to do it.
I was wondering if anyone could help me combine step 2 and step 3 into
a single step.. or if there is a better way that I'm supposed to use
to convert ntext to varchar.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Cheers, Lloyd
2010-03-30 13:04:13 UTC

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