Export Data to Excel
(too old to reply)
2007-05-21 19:37:01 UTC
I am new to dts packages.

I need to export data on a daily basis from SQL to Excel and would like to
use dts to accomplish it. The data structure will not be changing.

I have the option of creating a new Excel file each day or appending a new
worksheet into 1 main Excel file. My preference would be to create a new
spreadsheet every day. In either case the file name or the worksheet name
needs to include the current date.

I am using the CREATE TABLE command to create the worksheet in Excel but I
cannot change the table name (worksheet name)

I also can use ftp task but again am having trouble dynamically naming the
destination file. The source file is pipeline.xls, the destination file
should be pipeline_052107.xls for example.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Francisco A. Gonzalez
2007-05-22 14:01:13 UTC
You can workaround the problem having a process task that creates or copy
the excel file with metadata and the name you want, and a dynamic property
that changes the
connection manager to the file name and path of file you just created or

Francisco A. Gonzalez
Post by James
I am new to dts packages.
I need to export data on a daily basis from SQL to Excel and would like to
use dts to accomplish it. The data structure will not be changing.
I have the option of creating a new Excel file each day or appending a new
worksheet into 1 main Excel file. My preference would be to create a new
spreadsheet every day. In either case the file name or the worksheet name
needs to include the current date.
I am using the CREATE TABLE command to create the worksheet in Excel but I
cannot change the table name (worksheet name)
I also can use ftp task but again am having trouble dynamically naming the
destination file. The source file is pipeline.xls, the destination file
should be pipeline_052107.xls for example.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
2007-05-23 11:08:40 UTC
Post by James
I am new to dts packages.
I need to export data on a daily basis from SQL to Excel and would like to
use dts to accomplish it. The data structure will not be changing.
I have the option of creating a new Excel file each day or appending a new
worksheet into 1 main Excel file. My preference would be to create a new
spreadsheet every day. In either case the file name or the worksheet name
needs to include the current date.
I am using the CREATE TABLE command to create the worksheet in Excel but I
cannot change the table name (worksheet name)
I also can use ftp task but again am having trouble dynamically naming the
destination file. The source file is pipeline.xls, the destination file
should be pipeline_052107.xls for example.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Add an activex script to your page with something like the following.


'' Create output Excel workbook(s)

Function Main()

Dim fso, oConn, xlsFolder, xlsTemplate

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Set folder and template names
xlsFolder = "\\server\directory\"
xlsTemplate = "pipeline.xls"

'Set datestamp for filenames
xlsDate =Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD")

'Copy excel files
xlsFrom = xlsFolder & xlsTemplate
xlsTo = xlsFolder & Replace(xlsTemplate, ".xls", xlsDate & ".xls")
fso.CopyFile xlsFrom, xlsTo

Set oConn = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("Conection Name")
oConn.DataSource = xlsTo

Set oConn = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

Function format(dt, fm)

'Function for formatting dates to ISO formats

If Len(Month(dt)) = 1 Then m = "0" & Month(dt) else m = Month(dt)
If Len(Day(dt)) = 1 Then d = "0" & Day(dt) else d = Day(dt)
y = Year(dt)

If fm = "YYYYMMDD" Then format = y & m & d
If fm = "YYYYMM" Then format = y & m

End Function
Rinia Wood
2011-03-16 04:07:40 UTC
I find a blog which focuses on exporting data. It has several articles about exporting data to Excel. About your question, there is a good article in this blog provides a good method to solve. You can read the article from
Post by James
I am new to dts packages.
I need to export data on a daily basis from SQL to Excel and would like to
use dts to accomplish it. The data structure will not be changing.
I have the option of creating a new Excel file each day or appending a new
worksheet into 1 main Excel file. My preference would be to create a new
spreadsheet every day. In either case the file name or the worksheet name
needs to include the current date.
I am using the CREATE TABLE command to create the worksheet in Excel but I
cannot change the table name (worksheet name)
I also can use ftp task but again am having trouble dynamically naming the
destination file. The source file is pipeline.xls, the destination file
should be pipeline_052107.xls for example.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Post by Francisco A. Gonzalez
You can workaround the problem having a process task that creates or copy
the excel file with metadata and the name you want, and a dynamic property
that changes the
connection manager to the file name and path of file you just created or
Francisco A. Gonzalez
Post by Red
Add an activex script to your page with something like the following.
'' Create output Excel workbook(s)
Function Main()
Dim fso, oConn, xlsFolder, xlsTemplate
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set folder and template names
xlsFolder = "\\server\directory\"
xlsTemplate = "pipeline.xls"
'Set datestamp for filenames
xlsDate =Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD")
'Copy excel files
xlsFrom = xlsFolder & xlsTemplate
xlsTo = xlsFolder & Replace(xlsTemplate, ".xls", xlsDate & ".xls")
fso.CopyFile xlsFrom, xlsTo
Set oConn = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("Conection Name")
oConn.DataSource = xlsTo
Set oConn = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function
Function format(dt, fm)
'Function for formatting dates to ISO formats
If Len(Month(dt)) = 1 Then m = "0" & Month(dt) else m = Month(dt)
If Len(Day(dt)) = 1 Then d = "0" & Day(dt) else d = Day(dt)
y = Year(dt)
If fm = "YYYYMMDD" Then format = y & m & d
If fm = "YYYYMM" Then format = y & m
End Function
Submitted via EggHeadCafe
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