SSIS exceution so slow....but not in BIDS
(too old to reply)
2010-03-22 11:57:01 UTC
I have a problem which is causing us grief and we don't know where to look
We have an SSIS package. The said package runs at an acceptable performance
level when being executed in design/debug mode i.e. through visual
studio/BIDS. The package is then "deployed" to the sever (it's actually the
same box that BIDS is being run on). We've deployed in numerous ways (i.e.
importing through Management Studio connection to Integration Services,
deploy through BIDS etc) but the result is always the same.
Execution through SSIS directly is extremely slow. No errors. No
permissions issues. etc just very very slow.
Times are roughly as follows - running through BIDS approx 1.5 mins; running
direct from Inregration services 45 mins +.
Now I could understand it if this was the other way round (BIDS slow; SSIS
fast) or if both were very slow - I could look at performance bottlenecks etc
- but there doesn't seem to be an issue during design/debug - only runtime.
Any suggestions welcome.
Todd C
2010-03-23 12:44:11 UTC
Do these performance stats hold true for *all* packages deployed to the SSIS
instance, or just this one?

Same machine, right? Then it might possibly be some throttling of resources
for the SSIS instance. Poke around the SQL Server Configuration Manager and
read up on BOL.

Todd C
MCTS SQL Server 2005
Post by Kevin
I have a problem which is causing us grief and we don't know where to look
We have an SSIS package. The said package runs at an acceptable performance
level when being executed in design/debug mode i.e. through visual
studio/BIDS. The package is then "deployed" to the sever (it's actually the
same box that BIDS is being run on). We've deployed in numerous ways (i.e.
importing through Management Studio connection to Integration Services,
deploy through BIDS etc) but the result is always the same.
Execution through SSIS directly is extremely slow. No errors. No
permissions issues. etc just very very slow.
Times are roughly as follows - running through BIDS approx 1.5 mins; running
direct from Inregration services 45 mins +.
Now I could understand it if this was the other way round (BIDS slow; SSIS
fast) or if both were very slow - I could look at performance bottlenecks etc
- but there doesn't seem to be an issue during design/debug - only runtime.
Any suggestions welcome.