IBMDA400 vs IBMDARLA vs IBMDASQL (as400 dts)
(too old to reply)
2005-06-29 20:22:14 UTC

I am trying to setup an MS SQL server 2005 DTS package to import data
from an As400 DB2 server.

I have the choice between 3 different (managed ?) providers

IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider
IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDARLA OLE DB Provider
IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDASQL OLE DB Provider

No idea which one to choose (not to mention that I have tried all 3
without success - the provider claims that the library I try to access
does not exists).

Any comment / pointer welcome !


2005-06-30 12:46:22 UTC
We use DTS to import from iSeries using MSDASQL
2005-07-01 07:03:12 UTC
Post by a***@bigfoot.com
We use DTS to import from iSeries using MSDASQL
Using SQL2005 ?


What version of OS400 / Client Access ?


2005-07-01 11:46:56 UTC
Using SQL 2003 and V5R3, but have used it unchanged since at least
2005-07-11 06:19:13 UTC

Well, I am still having problems...

Actually it seems that for some reason I can't access the AS400 DB2
database using OLEDB providers, although "plain old" ODBC is
working fine...

I can connect to the server but none of the relevant databases show up
whereas the very same machine can extract data using ODBC...

Any idea ?

Also, those anyone know what are the differences between the IBMDA400,
IBMDARLA and IBMDASQL drivers ?!

Thanks & regards

Wayne Moore
2005-07-14 10:45:33 UTC
The difference between the IBMDARLA and the SQL version is that RLA gives
Record Level Access required for OLE/DB and the SQL version does not give
record level access.

Which particular database are you attempting to access? Are the relevant
server programs active?

It is a while since I have had to do any OLEDB setup. Please give some
more detail.
Post by AlexT
Well, I am still having problems...
Actually it seems that for some reason I can't access the AS400 DB2
database using OLEDB providers, although "plain old" ODBC is
working fine...
I can connect to the server but none of the relevant databases show up
whereas the very same machine can extract data using ODBC...
Any idea ?
Also, those anyone know what are the differences between the IBMDA400,
IBMDARLA and IBMDASQL drivers ?!
Thanks & regards
2005-07-14 21:25:32 UTC

Many thanks for your message
Post by Wayne Moore
The difference between the IBMDARLA and the SQL version is that RLA gives
Record Level Access required for OLE/DB and the SQL version does not give
record level access.
Ok, sounds “reasonable”… 
Post by Wayne Moore
Which particular database are you attempting to access?
Well, I’d like to connect with a DB2/400 server and access some of
the database hosted on the AS400
Post by Wayne Moore
Are the relevant server programs active?
Quite frankly, no idea ! What should I check ?! All I can say is that
ODBC is working just fine. Is there anything else to run / configure to
have similar access with OLEDB ?
Post by Wayne Moore
It is a while since I have had to do any OLEDB setup. Please give some more detail.
Well, it as as400 v5r3 with supposedly all the PTF. Client access is
also v5r3 (basically a fairly recent machine).

As mentioned earlier ODBC is working just fine. I seem to be able to
connect with the OLEDB connectors but I have only a very limited choice
of library available, and certainly none of the one I’d like to use.
One interesting point is that the afore mentioned list is dependant on
the user / password combination, which tends to point to a (possibly
basic) configuration problem.

All that being said I am pretty new to AS400 DB2 administration and I
might have overlooked something quite easily.

Any idea / suggestion welcome

Best regards

2008-07-28 18:19:54 UTC

Is this problem resolved now ? could you please let me know the solution.

I am new to SSIS in SQL 2005; and want to write from SQL to AS400. I am able
to do the task in SQL 2000 but not through 2005 SSIS.

Any suggestions please ?

2016-11-04 20:50:35 UTC
Post by AlexT
I am trying to setup an MS SQL server 2005 DTS package to import data
from an As400 DB2 server.
I have the choice between 3 different (managed ?) providers
IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDA400 OLE DB Provider
IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDARLA OLE DB Provider
IBM DB2 UDB for iSeries IBMDASQL OLE DB Provider
No idea which one to choose (not to mention that I have tried all 3
without success - the provider claims that the library I try to access
does not exists).
Any comment / pointer welcome !
Just in case someone might be still following this thread, we had the old OLEDB IBM DB2 drivers, and they brought DB2 CHARACTER type data to SSIS as NVARCHAR(x). The new IBMDASQL, IBMDARLA, and IBMDA400 bring it over as varchar. Any idea if there are settings on the driver that will allow you to change that behavior? Otherwise I am going to have to do SSIS Data conversion transformations for over 200 tables, and 1800 columns manually.


