SSIS Execute Process Task Variables
(too old to reply)
2005-12-14 20:33:07 UTC
I have a need to pass an argument to an executable in an SSIS package. The
value of the argument is not static, it will vary at execution time, so I
need to pass the value of an SSIS variable as the argument to the exe in the
Execute Process Task

As an example I can define my executable as "C:\Windows\Notepad.exe". I
want my argument to be the value stored in the variable User::Source. I've
tried different methods to pass this such as "@[User::Source]" which should
evaluate to "C:\temp\input.txt", but no matter what I do it always passes the
literal value such as "@[User::Source]"

This seems a simple thing so I expect I'm just missing something. Can
anyone point out what I need to do to make this work?


2005-12-15 00:24:53 UTC
Problem solved. Sure enough, publicly proclaim your ignorance (mine
actually) and the answer will come...

For my example below I don't have to put anything in the "Arguments"
property. What I needed to do was put "User::Source" in the
"StandardInputVariable" property (which I had tried) and leave the arguments
property blank (which I hadn't tried). I'm guessing the arguments property
is for command line switches of constant value such as "/F". I can state
with certainty that it isn't for parameter values.


Post by js
I have a need to pass an argument to an executable in an SSIS package. The
value of the argument is not static, it will vary at execution time, so I
need to pass the value of an SSIS variable as the argument to the exe in the
Execute Process Task
As an example I can define my executable as "C:\Windows\Notepad.exe". I
want my argument to be the value stored in the variable User::Source. I've
evaluate to "C:\temp\input.txt", but no matter what I do it always passes the
This seems a simple thing so I expect I'm just missing something. Can
anyone point out what I need to do to make this work?
2010-01-07 00:42:04 UTC
You will need to add the variable in the Arguments property of the Expressions for the Property Task.
Just select the task, and in properties open up the Expressions. Choose Arguments and put in your variable there

From http://www.developmentnow.com/g/103_2005_12_0_0_676200/SSIS-Execute-Process-Task-Variables.ht

Posted via DevelopmentNow.com Group
