Problem importing text file into Oracle
(too old to reply)
2010-01-22 22:43:13 UTC
I am trying to use SSIS to import a text file into an Oracle
database. However, I get the following error:

"Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider.
Oracle client and networkinig components were not found."

However, I do have the Oracle client and networking components
installed. In addition, I have the OraOLEDB.Oracle provider available
under Linked Servers in SSMS. Has anyone else come across this
Todd C
2010-01-25 12:15:01 UTC
I assume that you set up your Destination in the Data Flow to point to a
Connection Manager that uses the OraOLEDB provider? You are supplying a
username and password for that connection, and you can test the connection

Is it failing when you run it from a server? Cab you give us more details
about the environment and connections?
Todd C
MCTS SQL Server 2005
Post by i***@yahoo.com
I am trying to use SSIS to import a text file into an Oracle
"Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider.
Oracle client and networkinig components were not found."
However, I do have the Oracle client and networking components
installed. In addition, I have the OraOLEDB.Oracle provider available
under Linked Servers in SSMS. Has anyone else come across this
2010-01-26 00:10:12 UTC
The OraOLEDB provider is 32-bit, while the version of SSIS 2005 we are
using is 64-bit, running on top of Windows Server 2003 64-bit. Would
that be a problem?
Post by Todd C
I assume that you set up your Destination in the Data Flow to point to a
Connection Manager that uses the OraOLEDB provider? You are supplying a
username and password for that connection, and you can test the connection
Is it failing when you run it from a server? Cab you give us more details
about the environment and connections?
Todd C
MCTS SQL Server 2005
Post by i***@yahoo.com
I am trying to use SSIS to import a text file into an Oracle
"Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider.
Oracle client and networkinig components were not found."
However, I do have the Oracle client and networking components
installed.  In addition, I have the OraOLEDB.Oracle provider available
under Linked Servers in SSMS.  Has anyone else come across this
Todd C
2010-01-28 14:08:01 UTC
It's possible. I'm not that up on 32 vs 64 bit processing. I think there's a
switch somewhere that flips SSIS to 32 bit.
Todd C
MCTS SQL Server 2005
Post by i***@yahoo.com
The OraOLEDB provider is 32-bit, while the version of SSIS 2005 we are
using is 64-bit, running on top of Windows Server 2003 64-bit. Would
that be a problem?
Post by Todd C
I assume that you set up your Destination in the Data Flow to point to a
Connection Manager that uses the OraOLEDB provider? You are supplying a
username and password for that connection, and you can test the connection
Is it failing when you run it from a server? Cab you give us more details
about the environment and connections?
Todd C
MCTS SQL Server 2005
Post by i***@yahoo.com
I am trying to use SSIS to import a text file into an Oracle
"Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider.
Oracle client and networkinig components were not found."
However, I do have the Oracle client and networking components
installed. In addition, I have the OraOLEDB.Oracle provider available
under Linked Servers in SSMS. Has anyone else come across this
2010-02-01 20:42:33 UTC
We successfully used the Oracle Provider for OLE DB to create a linked
server in SQL Server. I assume that proves that the provider does
work. However, I have no idea how to implement this connection for
SSIS. Here are the parameters we used to create the linked server
that I would like to use to create a connection in SSIS:

Provider: Oracle Provider for OLE DB
Product Name: Oracle
Data Source:
(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host= anadev10)(Port= 1563))
(CONNECT_DATA = (SID = devetl)))
Post by Todd C
It's possible. I'm not that up on 32 vs 64 bit processing. I think there's a
switch somewhere that flips SSIS to 32 bit.
Todd C
MCTS SQL Server 2005
Post by i***@yahoo.com
The OraOLEDB provider is 32-bit, while the version of SSIS 2005 we are
using is 64-bit, running on top of Windows Server 2003 64-bit.  Would
that be a problem?
Post by Todd C
I assume that you set up your Destination in the Data Flow to point to a
Connection Manager that uses the OraOLEDB provider? You are supplying a
username and password for that connection, and you can test the connection
Is it failing when you run it from a server? Cab you give us more details
about the environment and connections?
Todd C
MCTS SQL Server 2005
Post by i***@yahoo.com
I am trying to use SSIS to import a text file into an Oracle
"Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider.
Oracle client and networkinig components were not found."
However, I do have the Oracle client and networking components
installed.  In addition, I have the OraOLEDB.Oracle provider available
under Linked Servers in SSMS.  Has anyone else come across this