Unable to prepare the SSIS bulk insert for data insertion
(too old to reply)
2010-05-27 21:54:03 UTC
Our nightly datawarehouse update processing is periodically failling on an
irregular basis. No useful errors in Windows logs, SQL logs, or SQL Agent
logs. Setting up a table to capture DTSErrors find the following error
message "Unable to prepare the SSIS bulk insert for data insertion for <>
table. Datacode = -1071626267".

Error occurs during the download of the first in a sequence of tables from
an AS400. We are a small shop so the error is not found until start of next
business resulting in an interuption of service for our end-users. A manual
restart of the workflow always runs to completion.

Running on a Windows 2003 R2 machine with SQL 2005 SSIS.

Queried the internet and Technet. Unable to find anything that applies.
Any ideas on how to approach?
2010-05-28 15:31:16 UTC
If you're using SQL Server Destination to do the bulk insert, you cannot use the SQL Server destination in packages that access a SQL Server database on a remote server. Instead, the packages should use the OLE DB destination.

For more information about OLE DB Destination, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms141237.aspx .

dworxClint wrote:

Unable to prepare the SSIS bulk insert for data insertion

Our nightly datawarehouse update processing is periodically failling on a
irregular basis. No useful errors in Windows logs, SQL logs, or SQL Agen
logs. Setting up a table to capture DTSErrors find the following erro
message "Unable to prepare the SSIS bulk insert for data insertion for <
table. Datacode = -1071626267"

Error occurs during the download of the first in a sequence of tables fro
an AS400. We are a small shop so the error is not found until start of nex
business resulting in an interuption of service for our end-users. A manua
restart of the workflow always runs to completion

Running on a Windows 2003 R2 machine with SQL 2005 SSIS

Queried the internet and Technet. Unable to find anything that applies
Any ideas on how to approach

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